March Philosophical Happy Hour


Speaker: Open Discussion

When: Mar 02, 2018 - 03:00pm - 05:00pm

Where: Department of Philosophy Lounge, Humanities 535



Join us for a Philosophical Happy Hour on Friday, March 2, from 3-5 pm in the Philosophy Lounge (HUM 535)! 

Topic: "Is Philosophy Narcissistic?"

This month's Philosophical Happy Hour will focus on the "vacuum" the Philosophical discipline sometimes maintains. Though philosophical inquiry is inextricable from our wider lives, and personal experience, movies, songs, and myriad other things can provoke philosophical inquiry, we philosophers are often silent about these inspirations. How have your other interests and experiences informed your philosophical journey? How do you acknowledge these inspirations while staying true to philosophical methods and questions? Please join us for coffee, cookies, and lively discussion on Friday, March 2nd.