Majors in Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy offers three Philosophy undergraduate major concentrations:

The Department also participates in Interdisciplinary Majors offered in the College of Arts and Sciences.



  • Students who declared the Philosophy Major between Spring 2012 and Spring 2019 should consult UNM's AY 2019-2020 Catalog for their major requirements.
  • Students who declared the Philosophy or Philosophy Pre-Law Major during or before Fall 2011 should contact for more information.
  • Students who are unsure about which set of major requirements they are to complete can get clarification from our Faculty Advisor or Staff Advisor.

Philosophy Major

Major Study Requirements

30 or 31 credit hours distributed as follows:
  • 1120 Logic, Reasoning, and Critical Thinking (3 Credits) or 356 Symbolic Logic (4 Credits)
  • 2210 Early Modern Philosophy (3 Credits)
  • 2220 Greek Philosophy or 2225 Greek Thought (3 Credits)
  • 333 Buddhist Philosophy or 334 Indian Philosophy or 336 Chinese Philosophy (3 Credits)
  • 350 Philosophy of Science or 352 Theory of Knowledge or 354 Metaphysics or *455 Philosophy of Mind (3 Credits)
  • 358 Ethical Theory or 371 Classical Social and Political Philosophy or 372 Modern Social and Political Philosophy or 381 Philosophy of Law and Morals (3 Credits)

Four electives, two of which must be at the 400-level. (Normally 1000-level Philosophy courses will count only if taken prior to any 2000- or higher-level course.) 

Note 1: Only courses in which a student has received a C grade or better (not C-) will be accepted toward the major or minor.

Note 2: At least 15 credit hours of major coursework must be completed at UNM.

Note 3: Students wishing to pursue graduate work in Philosophy are highly encouraged to take PHIL 356 either to fulfill the logic requirement for the major or as an elective.

To view the current Philosophy Majors student worksheet please click here.

For the College of Arts & Sciences and Philosophy Majors Undergraduate Admission Requirements, please refer to the UNM Catalog listing.

Philosophy Major, Pre-Law Concentration

For students considering law school, and those who wish for a philosophy major with a concentration in ethics, legal, and social philosophy.

30-31 hours distributed as follows:

  • 1120 Logic, Reasoning, and Critical Thinking (3 Credits) or
    356 Symbolic Logic (4 Credits)
  • 2210 Early Modern Philosophy (3 Credits)
  • 2220 Greek Philosophy or 2225 Greek Thought (3 Credits)
  • 352 Theory of Knowledge (3 Credits)
  • 358 Ethical Theory (3 Credits)
  • 371 Classical Social and Political Philosophy or
    372 Modern Social and Political Philosophy (3 credits)
  • 381 Philosophy of Law and Morals (3 Credits)

Three electives, two of which must be at the 300-level or above. (Normally 1000- level Philosophy courses will only count if taken prior to any 2000- or higher-level courses.)

Outside the department, the following courses are recommended (though they do not count towards the major): Pol Sc 315 or 316 (Constitutional Law).

Note 1: Only courses in which a student has received a C grade or better (not C-) will be accepted toward the major or minor.

Note 2: At least 15 credit hours of major coursework must be completed at UNM.

Note 3: Students wishing to pursue graduate work in Philosophy are highly encouraged to take PHIL 356 either to fulfill the logic requirement for the major or as an elective. 

To view the current Pre-Law Philosophy Majors student worksheet please click here.

For the College of Arts & Sciences and Pre-Law Philosophy Concentration Undergraduate Admission Requirements, please refer to the UNM Catalog listing.

English-Philosophy Major

 The minimum requirement is 45 hours, including:

  • 18 hours in English courses, 12 of which are to be numbered 300 or above. Recommended courses: ENGL 2510 and ENGL 410.
  • 18 hours in Philosophy courses, 12 of which are to be numbered 300 or above. Recommended courses: PHIL 1120 and at least one of PHIL 352, PHIL 354, or PHIL 358.
  • 6 hours additional of English or Philosophy numbered 300 or above.
  • PHIL 480.

Note: Only courses in which a student has received a C grade or better (not C-) will be accepted toward the major or minor.

To view the current English Philosophy Majors Student please click here.

For the College of Arts & Sciences and English-Philosophy Program Undergraduate Admission Requirements, please refer to the UNM Catalog listing.

Interdisciplinary Majors

The Department of Philosophy participates fully in the following interdisciplinary programs which offer undergraduate minors and/or majors within the College of Arts and Sciences: