Undergraduate Advisement
Faculty Advisor for Philosophy and English-Philosophy Undergraduates
Brent Kalar, philundergrad@unm.edu
Advisement Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 9am to 9:50am and by appointmentt
Staff Advisor for Philosophy and English-Philosophy Undergraduates
Luke Wilson, Professional Intern, philosophyadvise@unm.edu
The Center (UAEC 135)
Advisement Hours: By appointment (appointments can be scheduled by following the instructions here)
Honors Advisor
Iain Thomson, ithomson@unm.edu
Advisement Hours: Thursdays 1:45pm to 3pm and by appointment
Phi Sigma Tau Advisor
Paul Livingston, pmliving@unm.edu
Advisement Hours: Wednesdays 9am to 11am and by appointment