Philosophy as Sadhana

O'Neil Lecture

Speaker: Jay L Garfield, Smith College, the Harvard Divinity School, and the University of Melbourne

When: Oct 04, 2024 - 03:30pm - 05:30pm

Where: MITCH 122



What is Philosophy good for? These days, as STEM fields are valorized and the value of the humanities is often forgotten, many people would say, "nothing!"  Others are a bit more generous. and tell us that philosophy is a great pre-law major, or good for teaching analytical skills that might be useful in business. I concede that philosophy is good for those things; but its real value lies elsewhere. Philosophy is at bottom a spiritual practice:  a discipline of self-transformation, a sadhana. The study and practice of philosophy can make us better versions of ourselves, affording a deeper understanding of what it is to be human, and of what this world is that we constitute and share. Another way to put this is that thinking philosophically makes life worth living.