February Philosophical Happy Hour


Speaker: Open Discussion

When: Feb 02, 2018 - 03:00pm - 05:00pm

Where: Department of Philosophy Lounge, Humanities 535



Join us for a Philosophical Happy Hour on Friday, February 2, from 3-5 pm in the Philosophy Lounge (HUM 535)! 

In order to build a stronger sense of philosophical community and camaraderie, a small group of your philosophical peers have put together a monthly Philosophical Happy Hour, which will take place in the Philosophy Lounge (HUM 535) on the first Friday of each month from 3-5 pm.

Caffeine and cookies will be provided so you can get to know your philosophical peers. Each month there will be a general discussion topic, posed by the graduate student community. 

This month's dialogue will center on the Continental/Analytic divide. We want to know: how do you experience the "divide" in your professional and philosophical life? What are your hopes for the future of the discipline in this regard? How ought one go about getting a well-rounded philosophical education despite the divide? 

Even if you feel you don't have anything to contribute to this particular dialogue, you should feel welcome to come and enjoy a treat with us. 

Hope to see you all on Friday, February 2 at 3pm in the lounge!