Brent Kalar
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Advisor

Hours: By Appointment
- B.A. (University of Minnesota, 1993)
- Ph.D. (Harvard, 2003)
Research Interests:
Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, Philosophy of Culture. Currently developing a combined theory of taste, reading, and culture.
Recent Publications:
"Subjectivity and Sociality in Kant's Theory of Beauty," Kantian Review 23:2 (2018), 205-227
"The Ethical Significance of Kant's Sensus Communis," Idealistic Studies 47: 1&2 (2017), 43-58
"Cavell on the Human Interest of Art and Philosophy," in James Loxley and Andrew Taylor (eds.), Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, Literature, and Criticism (Manchester University Press, 2012)
"The Naive and the Natural: Schiller's Influence on Nietzsche's Early Aesthetics" History of Philosophy Quarterly, 25:4, 359-377, October 2008.
The Demands of Taste in Kant's Aesthetics (Continuum, 2006).